[meteorite-list] Fwd: More on the creationists at the MeteoriteFestival

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jul 10 02:11:41 2006
Message-ID: <BAY111-F4AD1F9BE8B1FEC71FD05FB36B0_at_phx.gbl>

Hello All,

The Creation Research Society.....is different, or least was at the

I did not look into them to know exactly where they stand on everything. It
was obvious their thoughts on the origin of man, but age....such as the
writer is talking about....it was less clear.

It does not appear the writer looked into exactly where they stand either,
as their displays acknowledged evolution. There was models of several of
different periods of human skulls. I thought I would see the ages on them
spaced neatly into a 5,000 year period...or the like, but interestingly, the
oldest they had dated was 1.9 million years old. I did not look at them
close enough to see if that was what they thought as the earliest man or
not. (Such was not my goal at the festival).

It appeared to me, they had their own definition of creationism. Or it was
one I had never seen before. To bad the writer didn't contact the source he
has wrote so much about on his website. Would have liked to have seen
exactly where the Creation Research Society lies. I will note I do agree
with most of the writers blogging.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick
Kansas Meteorite Society
Received on Mon 10 Jul 2006 02:11:37 AM PDT

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