[meteorite-list] tucson 2006,ya gotta experience it
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jan 22 14:22:35 2006 Message-ID: <BFF91B6F.27A2A%mlblood_at_cox.net> Hi all, Several list people have emailed me off list as to how absentee bidders can see the meteorites for sale in the auction, so, here it is again: -- http://www.michaelbloodmeteorites.com/AuctionTucson06.html You can always get to it from my main page, www.michaelbloodmeteortites.com (or google: michael blood meteorites) etc. Check them out! 106 items and only a few with minimum bids. Very few people have placed minimum bids to my astonishment. If you bid your max, you often get it lower (sometimes MUCH lower) and if you place even modest bids, some of those are likely to pay off. These auctions are "wide open" and you never can predict how high or low an item will sell for. NOTE: When placing bids, odd increments are rounded down to the nearest figure. Typically, bids go something like: $5 to $50 = $5 increments $50 to _at_ $200 = $10 increments _at_200 to $1,000 = $25 " _at_ $1,000 to 2 or $3K = $50 " _at_ $3K and over = $100 " (not many of these) So, if you send in a bid of $172 on lot XXX it will be changed to $170 or a $410 bid will be changed to $400. Absentee bids are treated similar to an eBay bid, it only goes up by the bidding increments in the live auction. If two or more people have absentee bids on the same lot, bidding begins one increment higher than the lowest absentee bid. If only one absentee bid is in, I generally start the bidding between 1/3 and 1/2 of what I think it will sell for. As long as live bidders are bidding, the absentee bid generally is not "kicked in" - it is when action in the room pauses, if there is an absentee bid with a higher maximum, his/her bid is paced at the next increment and those in the room have an option to top it. If, due to the starting bid a bid is placed by a live bidder which is tied with the maximum of bid of an absentee bidder, the live bidder will get the item. (the absentee bidder has no margin to place a higher bid in such a case). Any questions, please email or phone me at home in the next several days. After that, I can only be reached on my cell phone. Please do not call my cell phone before I leave for Tucson on the 28th - I get messages on my home phone and will call you back. Best wishes, Michael -- "He is not a lover who does not love forever." - Euripides (485-406BC)Received on Sun 22 Jan 2006 02:22:23 PM PST |
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