[meteorite-list] Lunar/Meteorite Samples Stolen from Car in Virginia

From: Göran Axelsson <axelsson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jan 16 19:52:48 2006
Message-ID: <43CC4118.1080209_at_acc.umu.se>

That was a beauty!

I just have to print it and put it up next to the stress lab at work, we
have two polygraphs in that room.

  Thanks for the laugh!


To get back to the space theme, I once saw a movie called "Ice Pirates",
it's a B-movie and a parody on Sci-Fi movies. It has a scene with a
plucked parrot (stressed avian) saying the line "He's lying, dont
believe him!".
That scene just makes so much more sense now.


Darren Garrison wrote:

>On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 00:15:15 +0100, "Axel Emmermann" <axel.emmermann_at_pandora.be> wrote:
>>plug him into the polygraph (BTW: is that Greek for "multiwriter"? ;-))))
>Little known fact-- before the modern electronic polygraph, police often used specially-traied
>parrots who were sensitive to human emotions during interregations, and when those birds (which are
>very good at sensing differences in vocal tones, hence their ability to learn to talk) sensed a
>change in the questioned person's tone, they were trained to make a mark on a piece of paper with a
>piece of charcoal that they held in their beaks. The proper term was "Avian Stress Sensor" but
>somewhere along the way, the slang term "polygraph" was coined-- "Polly" being a common name for
>parrots, and "graph" being short for graphite.
>Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Mon 16 Jan 2006 07:58:00 PM PST

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