[meteorite-list] Poll : Online Encyclopedia of Meteorites

From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Feb 24 01:37:14 2006
Message-ID: <20060224063709.85799.qmail_at_web25808.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

Hello to the List,

I need your advice.

I'm starting a mad project. I'm building an
Encyclopedia of Meteorites online.

1> All meteorites from the world, with classification,
picture(s), circumstances of find/fall
2> A free mode (you can just look at each meteorite
3> Subscription system which allows to view at the
database, make multi-query searches, print reports,
and the best, allows you to manage your collection
4> It's your encyclopedia. You can send pictures,
texts, add-on to improve the database
5> Advertising system which allows dealer to put on
advertising for low prices

I need your ideas to improve the system, I would like
also the price you are ready to pay for an annual

Best regards,

Pierre-Marie PELE


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Received on Fri 24 Feb 2006 01:37:09 AM PST

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