[meteorite-list] Adam's NWA 2989 Acapulcoite

From: Greg Hupe <gmhupe_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Feb 14 21:27:11 2006
Message-ID: <049601c631d7$48fce220$ae105c18_at_Gregor>

Hey Dean,

When you quote "Hupe's" you are attacking two people at once. Be more
specific with your public posting or better yet, just keep it off list! You
obviously have jumped into something just to jump in and mouth off. As the
saying goes from the Great White North, "Take off, eh!"

Best regards,
Greg Hupe

----- Original Message -----
From: "dean bessey" <deanbessey_at_yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Adam's NWA 2989 Acapulcoite

> See John, The world works like this.
> Meteorite Rule #1 - The Hupes make the rules
> Meteorite Rule #2 - Rules can chage to suit the Hupes
> (But nobody elses) needs as the situation arises.
> In this case it is in Adam's interest to say the TKW
> is only 77 grams. And if somebody complains about
> using his NWA number for other items he can quote
> gospel, some scientist, improper behavior, the back of
> a budwiser label, or whatever else is necessary to
> make you stop trying to say that the items is paired.
> This works wither he is selling something rare or an
> obvious NWA869 pairing like NWA904.
> However (See rule #2) if Adam wants to interfere with
> somebody elses sale (Like two weeks ago just before
> Tucson) then all of a sudden everything gets paired.
> Then comes rule #3.
> When Adam can no longer support his ideas that get
> attacked using logic and common sense he can cry and
> go home and say that "He wont post anymore" and start
> attacking the other persons character. Like in his
> past threads that he has - remember how two weeks ago
> he quoted Ted Bunch as supporting him and then after I
> told him to clarify Ted Bunches concerns Adam says
> that I am not making sense and he has no idea what I
> am talking about? And we never did get Ted Bunches
> concerns like Adam indicated because before he told us
> what he was talking about he started to cry and went
> home - Just after he made derogatory references to me
> that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.
> This whole thing about pairings and the scientific
> rules is nothing more than a sad case of "My
> meteorites are better than your meteorites" marketing
> using the "Holier than thau" excuse (See Rule #1)).
> I realize John started this particular thread but it
> was only because Adam likes interfering with everybody
> elses sales and its simply payback time. All John is
> doing in informing everybody that Adam's meteorite has
> a TKW of 7.5 kilos and not 77 grams. For somebody
> always preeching that he is Holier than thau all the
> time it is simply another example of adam playing the
> side of the fence that happens to suit him on any
> particular day.
> Sincerely
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Received on Tue 14 Feb 2006 09:26:52 PM PST

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