[meteorite-list] Renseignements
From: abdelfattah gharrad <life19maroc_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 19:08:50 +0100 (CET) Message-ID: <20061220180851.86554.qmail_at_web27604.mail.ukl.yahoo.com> Sorry for the last mesage but i try hope understand it. (I sollicitre of members list to inform me well with what had the presence of the chondrules in the meteorites. in continuation their magnetism (abundant presence of iron, not very abundant and non-existent). will be able to say that the interior of a meteorite resembles a magmatic room (high temperature and pressure) then its entry in the atmosphere increases these degrees with the falling speed what gives aspect different to the stone and formations from the chondrules inside. Thank you for your intention, Abdelfattah). ___________________________________________________________________________ D?couvrez une nouvelle fa?on d'obtenir des r?ponses ? toutes vos questions ! Profitez des connaissances, des opinions et des exp?riences des internautes sur Yahoo! Questions/R?ponses http://fr.answers.yahoo.com Received on Wed 20 Dec 2006 01:08:50 PM PST |
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