[meteorite-list] macro photography

From: Steve Dunklee <sdunklee72520_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Aug 29 18:16:29 2006
Message-ID: <20060829194646.58958.qmail_at_web35008.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

a nice outfit for taking macro photographs any time of the day or night can be assembled with some imagination and a few dollars. spray some reflective silver paint in a box, line the bottom with your favorite color of felt use a desk lamp for illumination and photograph your item in the box. or you can purchase an e-photomaker at www.bogenimaging.us . The new Pentax Ist line of cameras allows the use of our old manual focus len's I have not purchased one yet but plan to when it is available in my area. I am realy cheap I use a $20 manual focus web cam clamped to a gooseneck lamp. you can see a few photos at this link.
  they may not be the greatest pic's but hey for $25 they are not that bad either. there is realy nothing that can beat the light of the sun for illumination.

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