[meteorite-list] NEW PLANETARY NAMES

From: almitt <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Aug 18 11:17:03 2006
Message-ID: <44E5D9E3.9070406_at_kconline.com>

Greetings All,

Thought I would jump in all this. For those in favor of changing the
status of Pluto (as if we have any voice in the matter),
I would recommend reading Clyde's book "Out of the Darkness the Planet
Pluto" Today's generation seems to like to try and change history and
what went on back in the good old days. History is history so why not
leave it where it is. Pluto is probably a large belt object but the
first one found. Add that to the textbooks but allow for the planet
status to remain. Really until we go there and take a look around at
Pluto and some of the other objects we may be wrong again. Lets make
sure we know what we think we know.

I am in favor of letting the scientific bodies decide this as long as
they are fairly unanimous about it. Clyde was a very nice man and this
was his claim to fame. I know he would be sad if this major discovery of
that time were to be taken from him. How would the average person feel
to make such a monumental discovery similar to this in our age, only to
have some airheads of the modern day try to strip it from you?? Let
sleeping dogs lay, and let discoveries remain what they were.

--AL Mitterling

>Tracy wrote:
>"For myself, unless there is something huge and spectacular hiding out
>there, I propose we call all the trans-Neptunian ice-and-dirtballs "crutons"
>(as several List members have suggested), lose Pluto as a planet (for strict
>interpretations), and stop throwing monkey doo-doo. :D
>Anyone here read a kids' book by Andrew Clements, called _Frindle_?
>Ver-r-r-y enlightening.
>Tracy Latimer (the Librarian-in-training) "
Received on Fri 18 Aug 2006 11:16:51 AM PDT

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