[meteorite-list] 'Plutons' Push Planet Total Up To 12

From: tracy latimer <daistiho_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Aug 17 00:55:24 2006
Message-ID: <BAY115-F371ED744FEAF4BCE1EFF6BCA4D0_at_phx.gbl>

>From: "Chris Peterson" <clp_at_alumni.caltech.edu>
>To: "Meteorite Mailing List" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] 'Plutons' Push Planet Total Up To 12
>Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 15:45:46 -0600
>No, they don't have the authority to redefine words that are in common
>usage and found in ordinary dictionaries. That is quite different from
>defining the proper name of bodies, craters, etc. Their definitions are
>more akin to recommendations than anything binding; I can quite legally
>call any astronomical object anything I want; of course, it probably won't
>be accepted by many!

For myself, unless there is something huge and spectacular hiding out there,
I propose we call all the trans-Neptunian ice-and-dirtballs "crutons" (as
several List members have suggested), lose Pluto as a planet (for strict
interpretations), and stop throwing monkey doo-doo. :D

Anyone here read a kids' book by Andrew Clements, called _Frindle_?
Ver-r-r-y enlightening.

Tracy Latimer (the Librarian-in-training)
Received on Thu 17 Aug 2006 12:55:16 AM PDT

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