[meteorite-list] MOSS Meteorite

From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Aug 16 21:00:10 2006
Message-ID: <037501c6c198$873ab840$6401a8c0_at_c1720188a>

Dear List,

I thought the laws that cover meteorites in Norway mean that they belong to
whom's property they fell on. I wonder if permission was sought in the case
of the pieces recovered on private property at the cement factory? If not,
I am sure a legal claim could be brought forth. If a meteorite fell on my
property and somebody came along without permission and took it, I would be
pretty upset.

Just a horrible thought, how about it Mike?

Received on Wed 16 Aug 2006 09:00:25 PM PDT

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