[meteorite-list] No & charities

From: Dave Harris <entropydave_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Sep 5 15:51:59 2005
Message-ID: <431CA1DC.00000F.03576_at_D500>

I may be accidentally offending people, and that is not my intent, of course
 however, isn't contributing to charities simply helping the Government and
the wealthy and influential to hang onto their precious money?
This crisis should be sourced and paid for by your taxes, like the War....
If everyone contributes to charities, then that lets a lot of rich people
(and let's face it, there are a lot of people in the States who could shell
out a few million) of the moral hook, because they will say that the needs
of the Diaspora will be met by charity and not their own resources.

This problem of levees bursting was, as far as I know a long standing
potential problem but no resources were directed - then when it happens it
takes your Boss about 5 days to acknowledge that there's a problem...

Charities can support smaller, local or parochial issues fine, but national
disasters are your government's remit - you pay to protect your homeland,
now Bush needs to cough up.

I am not American, but I have family (sibling and my dad) who have lived
there for 30 years...and that is the only pathetic justification for my
opinion... and that is all it is, my opinion so don't shoot me down... but I
think save your charity for other needy groups - this one is for the Bush

Sorry if I offend - I have no intention in dabbling in your politics or your
good intentioned charitable donations, I just wanted to mention what I


Received on Mon 05 Sep 2005 03:51:56 PM PDT

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