[meteorite-list] AD - Rare roman coin with meteorite theme on Ebay

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Sep 4 03:27:13 2005
Message-ID: <20050904072710.88940.qmail_at_web53207.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear Darren, Martin and List,
  Darren and Martin, am I putting words into your
mouth that do not escape? Why is a list member
selling an autograph of one of the biggest MURDERERS
on EARTH?? Why is Adoph Hitler`s autograph being
offered by anyone; let anyone on this list???? SHAME
 ON YOU MATTEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was your link to a
common coin to lead the NAZI lovers to YOU? Sick!!!!
Burn such a sick piece of ink!!!!!! $900 for a fake?
autograph of a MURDERER. Matteo, even I feel shame
for you. Dirk Ross..Tokyo

--- Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_charter.net> wrote:

> On Sun, 4 Sep 2005 02:53:17 +0200, "Martin Altmann"
> <Altmann_at_Meteorite-Martin.de> wrote:
> >Yes, Darren, one stone survived.
> >The holy stone of the temple of Paphos on Cyprus,
> which is depicted on many
> >classical coins (Traian, Vespasian, Drusus,
> Caracalla and so on),
> >was recovered by excavations on the temple site
> more than hundred years
> >ago.
> >It was kept in the cellar and the stock of the
> National museum in Nikosia
> >for an eternity,
> >until it was transportated to the local
> archeological museum in Kouklia,
> >where it's now exhibited.
> >
> >Never a sample was taken for authentification.
> One of the sad things about being a specialist in
> one feild of science means that you tend to not
> have much knowledge of/interest in other feilds. I
> often wonder how many meteorites paleontologists
> have walked over in the desert, and how many
> valuable fossils meteorite hunters have walked over.
> (Like, for example, Peter Douglas Ward's work in the
> Karoo desert as described in his recent book
> Gorgon-- seems like prime meteorite country, and he
> and his people likely kicked a few meteorites
> out of the way in their scouring the desert for
> bone).
> I knew that a ancient fall in a temple in Japan was
> still known, but I hadn't ever heard that one of
> the ancient Greek ones had been recovered. (It
> reminds me of the book The First Fossil Hunters
> which attempts to trace many ancient legends and
> worshiped objects to fossils-- see
> http://www.2think.org/fossilhunters.shtml)
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