[meteorite-list] Charity Meteorite Raffle for New Orleans

From: Martin Altmann <Altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Sep 2 22:29:40 2005
Message-ID: <018701c5b030$c67062a0$4b4f9a54_at_9y6y40j>

Wow Geoff,

that's a perfect idea and thrilling too! Many thanks for the work you'll do.
I'm very sure that the raffle will be a great success, as I experienced the
meteorite community to be very socially committed,
I remember the auction I once held and a value about 5000$ of goods and
money for helping a handicapped poor boy in Romania were donated and
additional means for other purposes in the aftermath (Terry, Nancy now in 2
weeks Andrei will start high school, you're great!) or the Chiang Khan sale
before last Xmas by Oliver Alge, where 6000$ were collected.

Hey, to get the raffle running and to lure even the greatest experts from
behind the stove, I donate my copies of - Tataaaaah:


(and gimme 7 tickets, Geoff, those books are almost impossible to get and I
want win them back!!)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Notkin" <geoking_at_notkin.net>
To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 3:08 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Charity Meteorite Raffle for New Orleans

> Dear Friends and Meteorite List Members:
> I propose the following:
> I will sponsor a charity meteorite raffle on my website, with 100% of
> the proceeds going to help Hurricane Katrina victims, through a
> donation to the Red Cross. By making this a raffle, instead of an
> auction, everyone who participates will get to share in the act of
> giving to our people in need, everyone has a chance of winning, and no
> single person will shoulder the winning bid alone.
> I am asking today for donations of meteorites or meteorite-related
> items for this charity event. We will then present a single lot of all
> items, with a detailed list and photos (when available) posted on my
> website. If enough items are forthcoming, we will offer first and
> second prizes, etc. Check with your tax professional, as the value of
> your donation to a legitimate charity is probably tax deductible. I
> will happily provide receipts if requested.
> Tickets will be $10 each and you can buy as many as you like. We will
> ask a respected, impartial party to handle the drawing. I will happily
> take suggestions as to who that should be.
> Ticket purchases will go to a single PayPal account, with the entire
> amount then being paid to the Red Cross. A receipt for the full amount
> will be posted on my site at the end of the raffle.
> This will only work if a good number of people are willing to help both
> with donations of raffle items and with the purchase of raffle tickets.
> If you are interested in donating something for the raffle, or if you
> think this is a good or bad idea -- or if you have a better one --
> please let me know. If there is sufficient interest, I will establish
> cut off times for donations, and for ticket purchases, and also publish
> a preliminary list of raffle items.
> This has to happen quickly, as the Red Cross needs help now. It'll be
> fun, and it's for a good cause. If people respond today we should be
> able to have this all wrapped up in 48 hours, with $$ on the way to
> where it's needed.
> Hats off to Martin Altmann, Martin Horejsi, Adam Hupe, Herman Archer,
> and Moni Waiblinger-Seabridge who had the ideas and got the ball
> rolling.
> I will include "raffle" in the subject of future correspondence on this
> topic, so those not interested can delete the appropriate posts.
> Yours sincerely,
> Geoff Notkin
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Received on Fri 02 Sep 2005 10:39:56 PM PDT

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