[meteorite-list] Interview with S. Arnold.

From: RAYDOBOS_at_aol.com <RAYDOBOS_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 20 16:36:23 2005
Message-ID: <227.1f35db7.30b2464f_at_aol.com>

Mr. Horejsi,
    My name is Ray Dobos, IMCA #4235. I am also a member of
the Mid Florida Historical Research & Recovery metal detecting club. I
recently sent two e-mails to, meteoritelist_at_meteoritecentral.com, trying to
find out what type
of metal detector Steve Arnold used, but my e-mails never get sent
out to the members. Am I using the wrong e-mail address? I also
sent an e-mail to Steve Arnold but now realize that there must be
two Steve Arnolds, because I never got a reply concerning the
information that I was looking for. I would appreciate any help you
can give me concerning the make and model of the detector Steve used, and how
deep the meteorite was when he first detected it.
Thank you

Ray Dobos
IMCA #4235
Received on Sun 20 Nov 2005 04:36:15 PM PST

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