[meteorite-list] NWA 1685 or Dean's BL Chondrite

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Nov 20 14:50:51 2005
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000003400003FE6_at_paulinet.de>

Mike T. wrote:

"I still have a nice piece of NWA 1685 for sale on ebay. It did not sell first go
around so I dropped the price. Nice to look at if your not interested in buying."


Hello from the owner of two NWA 1685 individuals cut in two halves and two NWA 1685 thin sections:

The matrix and texture of Dean's BL chondrite is one of the most beautiful things you'll ever have seen
come from NWA. It is brecciated, inclusion-rich, and clast-rich. Some clasts are so featureless that I
decided to buy two NWA 1685 thin sections from Dean when he had them on EBay and find out what these looked
like under the microscope. TS#1 almost knocked my socks off and made me doubt if that could be an LL5 or an
LL6. These areas look almost achondritic, not a trace of something chondrule-like. The term "metachondrite"
had not been born yet at that time, but that's what the featureless portions of this beauty look like:

Thousands of tiny, colorful crystals evenly distributed, and, as I said before, not the slightest hint
of a chondrule or relict chondrules in these parts of the matrix.


Received on Sun 20 Nov 2005 02:50:49 PM PST

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