[meteorite-list] oriented vs orientated

From: batkol <batkol_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Nov 12 07:52:31 2005
Message-ID: <003e01c5e787$f046f330$076fd946_at_DJV2WH71>

i looked up the definitions of both words and oriented seems just a hair
more appropriate than orientated for meteorites. just an ex-english
teacher's two cents. take care susan

        1.. Orient The countries of Asia, especially of eastern Asia.
          1.. The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality.
          2.. A pearl having exceptional luster.
        3.. Archaic. The place on the horizon where the sun rises; the east.

        1.. Having exceptional luster: orient gemstones.
        2.. Archaic. Eastern; oriental.
        3.. Archaic. Rising in the sky; ascending.

      v. or?i?ent?ed, or?i?ent?ing, or?i?ents (?r-nt, r-)
      v. tr.
        1.. To locate or place in a particular relation to the points of the
compass: orient the swimming pool north and south.
          1.. To locate or position so as to face the east.
          2.. To build (a church) with the nave laid out in an east-west
direction and the main altar usually at the eastern end.
        3.. To align or position with respect to a point or system of
reference: oriented the telescope toward the moon; oriented her interests
toward health care.
        4.. To determine the bearings of.
        5.. To make familiar with or adjusted to facts, principles, or a
        6.. To focus (the content of a story or film, for example) toward
the concerns and interests of a specific group.

      v. intr.
        1.. To turn toward the east.
        2.. To become adjusted or aligned.

      [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin orins, orient-, rising
sun, east, from present participle of orr, to arise, be born. See er-1 in
Indo-European Roots.]

[Download Now or Buy the Book]
      Source: The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language,
Fourth Edition
      Copyright ? 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
      Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: oriented
Function: adjective
: having psychological orientation <the patient was alert and oriented>

      Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, ? 2002 Merriam-Webster,


adj : adjusted or located in relation to surroundings or circumstances;
sometimes used in combination; "the house had its large windows oriented
toward the ocean view"; "helping freshmen become oriented to college life";
"the book is value-oriented throughout" [syn: orientated] [ant: unoriented]

 o?ri?en?tate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (?r-n-tt, -n-, r-)
v. o?ri?en?tat?ed, o?ri?en?tat?ing, o?ri?en?tates
v. tr.
  To orient: "He... stood for a moment, orientating himself exactly in the
light of his knowledge" (John le Carr?).

v. intr.
  To face or turn to the east.

----- Original Message -----
From: <MexicoDoug_at_aol.com>
To: <ncaliva_at_hotmail.com>; <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] oriented vs orientated

> 11/11/2005 11:07:49 PM Mexico Standard Time, ncaliva escribe:
> Hi everyone I'm new but have been watching for a month or so. Which way is
> right for meteorites oriented or orientated?
> Hola NCALIVA, Welcome to the crowd!
> We actually had some posts about this in the past - you can search the
> archives to see them accessed from the meteoritecentral.com page, or
> better yet a
> site search on google for the word orientated meteorite.
> There was no firm conclusion the way I remember, though there were some
> strong opinions that thought orientated was a bastardization of the word
> orientation, and that oriented was proper. Why make words longer than you
> have
> too...unless you have a special rational. So oriented would be the first
> choice.
> At least that was the majority opinion. Hope that helps!
> Saludos, Doug
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