[meteorite-list] Alain Carion's question, More details.

From: Impactika_at_aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Nov 11 01:03:58 2005
Message-ID: <213.de23ddc.30a58e49_at_aol.com>

Hello again.
Alain Carion asked me to thank every body for the very interesting answers,
and has sent a couple more pictures.
The specimen is a part-end-piece, the largest face is 78mm long x 50mm at
the widest. this is the face you saw on the first picture. Here are now the
second face and the outside, a nice black crust to me.

Also the lamellas vary in width from 1 to 3mm. I hope this will help. Do
let me know if you need further information.
Again thank you very much for your help.

Anne M. Black
President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
Received on Fri 11 Nov 2005 01:03:53 AM PST

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