[meteorite-list] Water in Meteorites
From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 31 16:35:23 2005 Message-ID: <DIIE.00000017000038C8_at_paulinet.de> Tom inquired: > It sure makes me wonder how they could keep space water > in them if they were not picked up immediately after the fall? Because they do not contain *l i q u i d* water. The water found in carbonaceous chondrites and Martian meteorites can only be extracted by heating the meteorite samples. There are only two meteorites known to contain liquid water: - Monahans - Zag where the water was found in salt crystals inside these meteorites. see also Chris L Peterson's post to the List! Best wishes, Bernd Received on Tue 31 May 2005 04:35:21 PM PDT |
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