[meteorite-list] Saint-Germain du Pinel
From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 25 12:30:24 2005 Message-ID: <20050525163021.2084.qmail_at_web25809.mail.ukl.yahoo.com> Hello Martin, here's the distribution list I have for this french meteorite : 1172g : NM, Budapest 686g : NHM, Vienne 417,80g : MNHN, Paris 113g : NHM, London 105g : FMNH, Chicago 56g : GSI, Calcutta 49g : USNM, Washington 41,7g : MM, Strasbourg 27g : Vatican 2g : MPI, Mainz 1,2g : Bartoschewitz, Gifhorn 1g : DuPont, Palatine 1g : MMPI, Hamburg No finnish Museum but I may have missed some museums... Best regards, Pierre-Marie PELE www.meteor-center.com _____________________________________________________________________________ D?couvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail : 1 Go d'espace de stockage pour vos mails, photos et vid?os ! Cr?ez votre Yahoo! Mail sur http://fr.mail.yahoo.com Received on Wed 25 May 2005 12:30:20 PM PDT |
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