[meteorite-list] Now, Mr.Steve - This is my offer

From: Karin Hughes <x377835_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 25 11:00:34 2005
Message-ID: <BAY19-F31FC5C58CF8780A3591CFDBA0E0_at_phx.gbl>

Maybe you better not insult Comic Book Collectors. Base upon the actions of
many of the members of this list, it would be a safe bet that Comic Book
Collectors have a higher IQ.


>----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Freeman mjwy"
>To: <Gtceb_at_aol.com>
>Cc: <steve_arnol60120_at_yahoo.com>; <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>;
>Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2005 10:08 AM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Now, Mr.Steve - This is my offer
>>I think it says a great deal of his character...removal from IMCA for
>>"issues" and then a major spammer......I wouldn't buy river pebbles from
>>this one. Comic books, Sstevveeeeee, take up comic books and give up
>>meteorites...do your customers a favor!
>>Very well said Martin!
>>Maybe the water will get the spammer!!
>>Gtceb_at_aol.com wrote:
>>>Well said! However, our favorite dim bulb list mascot Big (size) Little
>>>(brain)SSTTEEVVVEEEYYY remains in a perpetual state of denial. He
>>>brushes off all people that tell him to change, calling us the
>>>"naysayers". In Stormbringer's (light drizzle in the brain department)
>>>case, that means that nearly the entire list he writes to are naysayers.
>>>Here's hoping that he stays in Mexico forever, and has no internet
>>>access. BYE SSTTEEVVEEY! And, please don't kill us with the monotonous
>>>details of your hideous trip!
>>>Meteorite-list mailing list

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Received on Wed 25 May 2005 11:00:31 AM PDT

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