[meteorite-list] Macrochondrules/Saratov

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 24 16:05:34 2005
Message-ID: <143.45a17787.2fc4e309_at_aol.com>

Martin A. wrote:

>And the most affordable way to obtain a megachondrule
>is to look for a Saratov, which costs at most dealers not
>more than 2$/g and as it's very crumbly one can easily
>isolate the megachondrules. But start now, to be in time
>for Xmas, if you plan to present your girl a chondrules-

Martin, You may have stumbled upon an opportunity for the bead industry with
your shameless ads...when a nanodiamond- or pearl-necklace won't do...
Let's see... Since you have that very nice 276g Saratov 1918 witnessed fall slice
at $1.70 per gram it might be profitable, especially if someone else is
interested in the rest of the grains and micromineral fragments!,
A one centimeter in diameter spherical chondrule must weigh very close to
1.67 grams (geek comment: density drops as size increases - a suspicion that the
 big chondrules are created by a different mechanism than the little ones).
I'll give you $3 a gram (Almost double asking price) for some freshly shucked
 pearly chondrules of diameter 1.00 cm +/- 0.06 cm. For 40 of those
chondrules, that would come to 40X1.67X$3= just about US $200. Not shabby at all
for such as treasure. Hopefully shucking for chondritic pearls won't
becoming viewed as cherry-picking the chondritic cocktail (Saratov Cocktail?). That
offer's good until I see a better deal on some menthe or sirops ? l?
Saludos, Doug
Received on Tue 24 May 2005 04:05:29 PM PDT

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