[meteorite-list] Hello from Russia!!!

From: Andreev Andrew <dasistandy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 17 10:46:01 2005
Message-ID: <236062003.20050517183457_at_inbox.ru>

Hello, Mailing List!!!

Let me introduce myself to everybody. I'm Andrew, from the Russian team of
meteorite-hunters. We're dealing with Meteorites for many years.
Just recently I subscribed to Mailing List. We search for Brahin,
Kainsaz, Dronino, Markovka and many stuff that is in Russia and former
USSR. We also searched in Oman till now ;(
If you're intrested in Russian meteorites, you're welcome!

Best regards,
 Andreev Andrew                         mailto:dasistandy_at_inbox.ru
Received on Tue 17 May 2005 10:34:57 AM PDT

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