[meteorite-list] Kansas: Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design
From: Charles O'Dale <codale0806_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 13 14:05:05 2005 Message-ID: <007c01c557e6$4dac9de0$6e656718_at_mdguo5m3tdnvnv> This is well worth the read to get an idea what science is up against. FYI: Why do scientists get so angry when dealing with ID proponents? http://www.csicop.org/list/listarchive/msg00482.html Charles O'Dale Meeting Chair Ottawa RASC http://www.ottawa.rasc.ca/astronomy/earth_craters/index.html Received on Fri 13 May 2005 02:05:03 PM PDT |
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