[meteorite-list] Kansas Legal Debate: Creation, Evolution and Intelligent Design

From: joseph_town_at_att.net <joseph_town_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri May 13 00:35:13 2005
Message-ID: <051320050435.16250.42842EAE00064E5600003F7A21602807410299019BA1089F0A9C0106_at_att.net>

GOD, darren,

Don't you just love words like opinion, theory, conjecture. I'm humbled by the process. Accept the fact that we are too primitive to comprehend the workings of the universe and go with the flow.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_charter.net>
> On Thu, 12 May 2005 21:48:36 -0500, "Jamie" <jme-ekholm_at_cheqnet.net> wrote:
> >
> >To me, intelligent design helps bridge the gap with those that believe in
> >God or a creator and who also see evolution as a scientific fact.
> But for intelligent design to "fit" with the fossil record would require a vast
> number of seperate
> creations at all points along the geological column-- if evolution has not taken
> place, then one of
> two things have to have happened:
> 1.)the age range given for the fossil record is correct and God steps in and
> designs and creates
> each new species as it appears in the fossil record, as species appear at
> different times in a
> pattern that suggests that new ones developed from old ones.
> or
> 2.)the age range of the fossil record is incorrect and all forms of life on
> Earth were created at
> the same time-- (and the fossil record is possibly the detritus of one really
> big flood a few
> thousand years back when all the dinosaurs and trilobites and gorgonites
> drowned)
> Wanna bet that those pusing for ID to be taught in public schools fall strongly
> in support of
> category 2?
> As I said to someone else, the Intelligent Design push isn't a bunch of parents
> who've read Behe and
> want to discuss the irreducable complexity of the Electron Transport Chain in
> photosynthesis-- it is
> a bunch of parents who's argument consists of the fact that they "didn't come
> from no monkey". The
> attempt to make it look like science is just because they lost Scopes II in
> 1982.
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Received on Fri 13 May 2005 12:35:59 AM PDT

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