[meteorite-list] Happy Birthday Bernd
From: Notkin <geoking_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 12 19:06:09 2005 Message-ID: <66B489F2-C33A-11D9-8ABF-000393593854_at_notkin.net> Dear Bernd: Happy birthday and a sincere thank you for your many fine contributions to this forum. You are our most valuable asset. Born on the same day (but not the same year!) as Butsura, H6, Bihar India, May 12, 1861. Also, a tip of the hat to Anne Black for her birthday meteorite calendar at www.impacktika.com and to Alex for reminding us that today is the big day for Bernd! Regards to all, Geoff N. Received on Thu 12 May 2005 07:05:58 PM PDT |
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