[meteorite-list] Elton Meteorite

From: mineral_at_optonline.net <mineral_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 5 15:37:18 2005
Message-ID: <52121295215fd9.5215fd95212129_at_optonline.net>

I've heard that this might be a witnessed fall. There was a fireball in the
area a few years prier to the find in the orchard. There is VERY little
rust and the fusion crust is intact. When I got the specimen, I also
received the original paperwork that King and Van Buckwald did on the
specimen. As far as I know, there are three specimens. The main mass
(1.6kg), 104.4g in TCU and the rest in Johnson Space Centre.

I will post some picts of the piece if anybody is interested.
Received on Thu 05 May 2005 03:36:49 PM PDT

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