[meteorite-list] "Gulkana" question

From: Don Edwards <icedance_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 5 15:23:40 2005
Message-ID: <20050505192338.8924.qmail_at_web81608.mail.yahoo.com>

Hello All,

A while back I purchased a small (dust) specimen of "Gulkana" from
Martin Horejsi. He didn't have any more information than the name on
the (original) collection label.

A web search on the name "Gulkana" seems to indicate that it might be
from Alaska.

Has anyone else heard of this under this name or have any information
on it.

Replies off list are fine. Thanks in advance.

Don Edwards
Received on Thu 05 May 2005 03:23:38 PM PDT

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