[meteorite-list] Seeläsgen IIICD missing mass

From: Meteoryt.net <marcin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 4 10:00:46 2005
Message-ID: <006701c550b1$95bd6ce0$0300000a_at_polandme2iekcc>

Seel?sgen IIICD

Catalog of Meteorites M. Grady say:
TKW 102kg
Class: IIICD
Found: 1847

~37kg in world collections
~10kg in Natural History Museum
~1kg in Polish collections (Met.Cat. of Polish collections)
Total : 48kg
Near the same quantity I have in Catalogue from 1966

So my question is where is missing +50kg ??
Anyone have idea ?
Thanks for help.

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
http://www.Meteoryt.net marcin_at_meteoryt.net
http://www.PolandMET.com marcin_at_polandmet.com
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com GSM +48(607)535 195
--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
Received on Wed 04 May 2005 09:59:29 AM PDT

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