[meteorite-list] WHY, WHY, WHY does this posting bother everyone so much???
From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 1 15:19:06 2005 Message-ID: <20050501191904.38426.qmail_at_web31807.mail.mud.yahoo.com> List it is getting really down right getting to be a big problem for me.I have had to block at least 10 emails from people who are constantly harrasing me in private or are send down right offensive emails to the list to publicly humiliate me.I just do not understand why people are SO upset about my postings.WHAT IS CAUSING YOU ALL TO GO OVER THE EDGE??I do not do it to hurt anyone.I don't do it to publicly or privatly humiliate anyone.And most of all I do not do it to see my posts because I love myself.I do it to let people know about my sales,my website,my givaways.I want people to know, to remember.I have noticed alot of people have a tendancy to forget things.THAT IS WHY I DO IT!!There has not, nor will there ever be a tendancy to do anything to bring anyone down.I do not work that way.Yeah I let you know about the campos sales pieces, the meteorite sale, the meteorite givaways, the sau 002 I have forsale, and so on and so on.Yeah I go overboard sometimes,but it is not to do any harm to anyone.The only people getting hurt are the people who keep posting to the list about my posts.They are hurting themselves mentally.You guys are doing yourselves an injustus.Oh well you can keep doing what you are doing and look like fools.Like mike said, the delete key works fine.Or you can turn off your computer, or best of all, you can walk a away.YOU HAVE 3 CHOICES.God gave us choices,but for whatever reasons, we just do not want to use them.That is all I am going to say about this anymore.It has been beaten to death.I still hold most of you in high esteem in this great hobby.I can hardly wait for my chondrule conglomerate to come. my best to all,sa Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 Illinois Meteorites,Ltd! website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Received on Sun 01 May 2005 03:19:04 PM PDT |
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