[meteorite-list] Steve I thought you were going to control yourpostings?

From: Dave Freeman mjwy <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 1 13:51:57 2005
Message-ID: <002001c54e76$74181550$0200a8c0_at_davide8oe7r2ch>

Dear Al, List;
SHUNNING IDIOTS... now that's an idea. Worked on Farrel...
He who's name we do not speak!
(the shadow df)

----- Original Message -----
From: "AL Mitterling" <almitt_at_kconline.com>
To: "Michael L Blood" <mlblood_at_cox.net>
Cc: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>; "drtanuki"
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Steve I thought you were going to control

> Hi Michael and all,
> I have seen you post use the delete key many times (I prefer to use a
> filter on my browser so I never see it or waste my time with deleting
> messages) HOWEVER, with all the dealers/collectors we have on the list
> if each one posted an AD each day or several times a day (yes, I do post
> AD's on the list occasionally because of competition), the list would be
> bombarded with so many ad messages that it would be hard to trim the fat
> out from the meat. Certainly good messages would be missed and I think
> are missed.
> I agree that responding to an insensitive individual on the list is a
> waste of time. The best thing PEOPLE can do is to shun such people. If
> you don't respond they loose their power. I agree that people should not
> give any response to our friend who was kicked of the list and is
> illegally on again under different emails.
> One can post repeatedly to use the delete key but then why don't these
> people simply use the delete key when they don't like other people
> complaining about multiple sales ads??????????? Is there a
> difference?????????
> The fact is that multiple ad posts whether you use your delete key or
> not, dilute the substance of the list and are in my opinion not what the
> list was ultimately design for. In the beginning Art wasn't going to
> even allow ads and didn't. People kept after him until he relented but
> only to "no major ads). I think that repeated ad posts ARE major
> advertisements. Now we have what we have. Best!
> --AL Mitterling
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Received on Sun 01 May 2005 01:51:50 PM PDT

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