From: Sterling K. Webb <kelly_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Mar 26 11:08:45 2005 Message-ID: <424588E8.1FCBA7A1_at_bhil.com> THIS IS A (3nd) RE-POST OF EARLIER POST. I NEVER GOT A COPY BACK. IF IT'S A DUPLICATE FOR YOU -- THERE'S ALWAYS <DEL> Hi, Hey! If Rob says he can't figure out a way to get tektites shipped in from the Moon, it's good enough for me, But then, I never thought they came from the Moon. The lunar origin theory is an old one. In fact, all of the 40-odd theories of the origin of tektites are old (and most of them are odd, too). It might surprise meteorite fanciers to know that the argument over tektites goes back to the time when meteorites were still regarded as a myth or of being formed by thunder! The first speculation about tektite origins dates from 1793, more than a decade before the French Academy was persuaded by the L'Aigle fall that rocks really did fall from the sky. To those with long memories, I will recall to them the late List member Darryl Futrell, who supported the lunar origin theory, more from geological evidence than orbital considerations. I corresponded a lot with Darryl and I believe he did so more out of loyalty to the late John O'Keefe than being really convinced by the theory. Take a look at: <http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2001-May/024512.html> <http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2001-May/024513.html> <http://six.pairlist.net/pipermail/meteorite-list/2001-March/022903.html> The current "orthodox" theory of tektite origin is the impact theory: that tektites are modified terrestrial surface rocks, modified by impact into molten drops, ejected into orbits above the atmosphere where they are rapidly cooled, which then re-enter the atmosphere at hypersonic velocities where they are re-heated and further modified in their descent to the surface of the Earth. It sounds perfectly reasonable. It powerfully explains the great variety of tektite shapes and many other characteristics of tektites, and the unique limited distributions of tektites. But there are problems -- huge problems -- with the theory. Here a few, for which there has never been any satisfactory answers. 1. There are only four tektite-producing events in the past forty million years. (Maybe a few more, if you accept some odd single potential tektites, irghizites, and Lybian Desert Glass as tektites.) A giant question looms. Since there many, many impacts in the last forty million years, why did only four of them produce tektites? The answer is not size: Botsumtwi (source of ivorites) is a tiny crater. The answer is not perfect matches to craters: where is that giant australite-producing crater? All of the "big four" tektite-producing coincide with a reversal of the Earth's magnetic field. Why? And why only these impacts, and not the dozens of other? How are they different? 2. If tektites are produced by earth impact, why do tektites contain no, not any, trace of terrestrial materials? That's right, boys and girls, there is no definitive trace of terrestrial origin in the composition of tektites. So how do you produce them from an earth impact without touching the earth? The quick ones among you will guess that they are made from the impacting body. Eergh! I'm sorry, wrong answer. They do not even vaguely resemble any extra-terrestrial material we know of. And the impact experts say that it's impossible anyway. If you plot the terrestrial surface compositions that matches the tektite bulk composition, the odds of four random impacts hitting only those spots on Earth are about 120 to one. Do you feel lucky? 3. There are many oddities in the distribution of tektites, described as non elliptical geographically limited strewn fields. In the 1984 Shaw and Glassberg paper which is cited as the definitive proof of terrestrial origin (which it ain't), they cheerfully mention that one of the australites submitted for analysis (one that was recovered from the ocean off the australian coast), in not an australite at all. Nope, it's an ivorite. Now, the "source crater" for ivorites is almost exactly 180 degrees in latitude and longitude from where this tektite was found, so either it is an "antipodal" tektite or it rolled along the ocean bottom for a million years and 15,000 miles without abrading! And then in 1988, Alan Hildebrand published his analysis of two "tektites" found in a Mayan Temple at Tikal -- they are australites, perfectly ordinary australites in every way. And yes, Tikal is almost exactly 180 degrees in latitude and longitude from Australia. So did they crawl off Australia, cross the Pacific, climb up on the land and travel hundreds of miles across Guatemala to get to where the Mayan temple would be built in 793,000 years? Or did they fall from the sky and survive until they were brought to the priests as the mystery that they were (and are)? And if two tektites were brought to Tikal, wouldn't you guess a lot more than two fell? So, two of the four tektite fields are global, not limited in distribution. (The antipodal points for the other two craters are in deep ocean, S. Pacific and S. Indian.) It gets worse. There is no one impact theory. There is absolutely no agreement as to what the production mechanism is. Everyone supporting "impact" puts forward differing (and contradictory) mechanisms. The majority of impactists say surface jetting is the source of tektites, even though jetting in theoretical models of impact occurs from the body of the impactor rather than from the target material. This would be fine if they proposed silica impactors, but they emphatically do not. A large number of geochemists point to surface deposits as the only possible source for a tektite composition. The question is, why doesn't this happen with all (or most) impact events? Wasson's "atmospheric cratering event" proposes that there are no craters created in tektite producing events, which is curious when you consider the "coincidence" of nearby impact craters of tektite matching dates, like Botsumtwi, the Ries Kessel, and the Chesapeake Bay structure. I like most aspects of this explanation except for those inconvenient craters. (Perhaps these are twin or multiple impacts, asteroids with satellites, one of which atmospherically craters?) Another problem is the sheer volume of tektite material. The North American strewn field is estimated at 0.5 to 13 billion tons of tektites; that would require one hell of an excavation. Jay Melosh, the chief theorist of impact events in general, says it is impossible to produce tektites by jetting. He proposes that they form from deep rock below the crater on rebound decompression. But the associated craters show no evidence of any deeper excavation than non-tektite craters, and deep rock sources are compositionally unlikely. And, again, why doesn't this happen with every crater? Guy Heinen proposes another kind of jetting of unknown mechanism that occurs only in glancing, low incidence impact, but nothing about these three craters supports a low (5 to 10 degrees) angle of incidence -- they're not ovals, and they don't have one rim wall elevated over the rest of the crater, and so forth. All these proposals are hand-crafted fudge mechanisms, created not to reflect any known characteristic of tektite producing impacts but to produce a model tailored to avoid any contact of target material with the material of the impactor. This is necessary because tektite material is pretty much free of any "fingerprints" of an impactor. Let's face it; it's really hard to impact something without touching it! It's a really obvious problem for the impact theories. A problem for which there are, again, no answers. Surface jetting theories have yet another problem. A little simple geometry shows that a surficial jet would have to escape by the time the impactor has penetrated about its own radius into the crust (that's the point when it vaporizes). To do so, a test particle of a forming jet would have to travel a distance of about one-quarter of the circumference of the impactor in that time. This would give it an exit velocity of more than three times the velocity of the impactor! Since big impactors have velocities near Earth's escape velocity when they hit, the jet would have to greatly exceed escape velocity. How would that produce tektites, which must have sub-orbital velocities in order to return to Earth? Digging into the literature of tektite-from-impact theory, I keep looking for three little words, the three little words that if they could be explained away would quiet my skepticism about impact theories: Rayleigh Taylor Instability. What the hell is that? Here's an everyday example. Picture a flag in a very slow but steady breeze; it stands straight out parallel to the flow of air. Increase the wind speed very slightly and the flag begins to wave back and forth; those are Rayleigh Taylor waves. Increase the wind a little bit more and the flag waves faster and faster. In a 25 mph wind, the waves become very rapid and chaotic; the flag is fluttering so fast it's a blur and the fabric begins to snap and pop. At 35 to 40 mph, the fabric starts to shred itself because the propagation velocity of the Rayleigh Taylor waves has exceeded the speed of sound by the time they reach the trailing edge. Note that driving force (wind) is very moderate, but the Rayleigh Taylor waves increase in intensity in a violently explosive way. No increase in velocity, pressure, density, or temperature can suppress Rayleigh Taylor instability, which is why it is the chief difficulty in designing a good working boosted fusion device, i.e., the hydrogen bomb. Just trot up the road to Los Alamos and ask'em. Take my word for it, there is no way around Rayleigh Taylor instability in an impact mechanism. Rayleigh Taylor instability guarantees a thorough mixing of impactor and target material if they get close enough to interact with one another. Going the route of the Wasson and Melosh variants only makes the problem worse. If the target material is vaporized, so is the impactor material, and segregating a gas phase is a lot harder (really, more impossible, if you can say that) than segregating a liquid phase. And Rayleigh Taylor instability applies just the same (even in a plasma phase), in fact, it gets worse the more energetic the event. In other words, theories of impact all have this fatal flaw. There's no problem getting tektites blown out of the atmosphere by an impact; the problem is forming them in the first place. Actually, a silica impactor answers most of the difficult questions, but nobody seems to believe in one, probably due to the complete absence of any smaller examples of this composition (no silica meteorites that we know of). There are plenty of other questions. Why should only a few impact events produce tektites, out of all the impact events of the last 40 million years? Bigger impactors? (No evidence.) Faster impactors? (No evidence.) Cometary impactors (No evidence.) One unique surface composition? (Conflicting evidence.) Why are there no detectable characteristics of tektite associated craters that distinguish them from non-tektite producing craters? Why does it take a huge crater like Chesapeake to produce the North American tektites, when the rather puny Botsumtwi crater blasts tektites all over the Atlantic? (Note: an Ivory Coast composition tektite was recovered off the NE Australian coast; this is literally halfway around the planet, so maybe I should have said "all over the world.") Where is the crater for the Australasian tektites? Why are the "big four" tektite producing events associated with reversals in the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field? (We don't even know why the field reverses, as far as that goes.) Another coincidence"? The "impact solution" just doesn't come together for me. If it were a coherent set of ideas, if there were a plausible mechanism, if the theories had implications that were testable, if the theories didn't exclude each other, they'd be a lot more convincing. I carry no brief for lunar origin nor any other of the 30-odd other theories. I just don't know, which leaves me free to hypothesize. Then, there's the missing crater for the australite-producing event which just happened yesterday in geological terms. Where is it? People keep proposing candidate craters but it never holds up. Glass and Pizzuto (1994) estimated the diameter of the impact crater to be between 32 and 114 kilometers. They made no assertions about the impactor's characteristics. If it was a stony asteroid traveling at a speed of 22 km/s then its diameter would be between 2 and 5 km. The notion that an impact of this magnitude could have occurred only 800,000 years ago without leaving detectable evidence behind is, well, ridiculous. So, I drug out my copy of Gehrels' Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids and Glasstone's Effects of Nuclear Weapons (scaling up) and started listing the consequences of a 5 kilometer impactor with a crater of 90 to 110 kilometers. A) It would mass in at about 200,000,000,000 tons. B) The impact energy would be the equivalent of 10,000,000,000,000 tons of TNT. (Picture a full exchange of all the nuclear weapons of all the nuclear powers all on one spot all at one time. Multiply by a factor of 2000. Apply a lot of sunblock.) C) The area of total devastation would be roughly large-nation-sized (like about the size of Mexico). D) The energy release would be just at the lower threshold of a major mass extinction event. E) It would be the biggest impact since the dinosaur-killer itself. F) If it missed continental crust and hit the ocean (the favorite excuse for the absence of a crater), the resulting tsunami would have had a wave height of roughly 1000 meters! G) The other characteristic we asked to believe about this supposed tektite forming event is that it happened very recently and that it left virtually no mark on the planet. It reveals the intellectual poverty of impact dogma to require an impact of this magnitude to create the Australasian field and be unable to find any trace of that fresh hole --- 70 miles across and 12,000 to 20,000 feet deep --- in Indochina or anywhere else. You can't bury all traces of a crater 1/3 the size of Chicxulub in less than a million years. (Simple arithmetic: it would take depositation of 1-2 meters of sediment per century to fill the damn thing in and bury it in so short a time, but that would hardly hide it.) Can I say it? Gimme a break! If tektites were produced by large impacts, there would be a stochastic distribution of ejecta sizes and ejection velocities, maybe not Gaussian (ye olde Bell Curve), but some small portion -- 2% to 10% -- of the billion of tektites would have been ejected at or above escape velocity. These would end up in near Earth orbits and eventually 50% to 80% of them would be swept back up by the Earth in 10,000 to 1,000,000 years. The result would be random distribution of isolated tektites of varying types all over the Earth with CRE dates up into the millions of years. Since tektites number in the millions and millions at the very least, there would be enough objects in this class to have been found this way. (They should out-number Mars rocks by thousands to one, and they should be falling all the time.) Again, this situation does not seem to occur. Why not? On the other hand, the traditional notion of the tight limited strewn field for tektites is also suspect. (See #3 above.) Now, if somebody could only find a moldavite in Antarctica... Who knows, maybe they will! Does this mean that the "strewn fields" really cover the whole planet? Does that argue for a lunar origin? Does it argue for a large impact origin? Does it mean something else altogether? There are plenty of other questions. Why should only a few impact events produce tektites, out of all the impact events of the last 40 million years? Bigger impactors? (No evidence.) Faster impactors? (No evidence.) Cometary impactors (No evidence.) One unique surface composition? (Conflicting evidence but another big fat coincidence if true.) Why are there no detectable characteristics of tektite associated craters that distinguish them from non-tektite producing craters? Why does it take a huge crater like Chesapeake to produce the North American tektites, when the rather puny Botsumtwi crater blasts tektites all over the Altantic and apparently all the way to Australia? Why are the "big four" tektite producing events associated with reversals in the polarity of the Earth's magnetic field? (We don't even know why the field reverses, as far as that goes.) Another "coincidence"? Actually, an impactor that is already nearly a tektite in composition, a high silica impactor, answers some of the difficult questions, but nobody seems to believe in one, probably due to the complete absence of any smaller examples of this composition (no silica meteorites that we know of). But this smacks of an ad hoc approach, creating a hypothetical unique object to explain an unique unexplained event. Actually, the renowned Alfred Kroeber published a paper that made that suggestion. The notion sank like a rock in the ocean... Conversion of a true mineral (possessing crystals) into a glass (amorphous liquid) is probably the best way of concealing the original composition of any natural substance ever devised. God is tricky sometimes. He probably left lots of clues, but so far, I think we've overlooked some of them. Sterling Webb Received on Sat 26 Mar 2005 11:08:08 AM PST |
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