[meteorite-list] Omani meteorite museum

From: AL Mitterling <almitt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jun 27 20:34:50 2005
Message-ID: <42C09B24.9010703_at_kconline.com>

Hi Steve and list,

This isn't exactly true. There is a pretty good group of us (from this
area) that get to the museum and wear out the carpets, smear the cases
with our paw prints and create a oxidizing rich environment from not
wiping our mouths after a long view of precious meteorite specimens. I
think they have special detail that cleans up after us after the visits.
Probably meteorite craze recognition software in the Field's cameras so
they are on guard :-)

Very true that the display hasn't changed for a very long time. Dr.
Wadawa (sp, sorry Mini) said it was her aim a few years back to work on
the display but of course you need support from the museum to do such a
undertaking and they weigh the cost verses the draw of crowds. Sometimes
the money just gets funneled into other areas deemed more important,
better draw or so I have been told by other curators of collections.

--AL Mitterling (who prefers to talk to the real Steve Arnold)

MeteorHntr_at_aol.com wrote:

  I am not sure if they even vacuum the carpet in the meteorite section
  at the Chicago Field Museum but once a year due to the lack of foot
  traffic (I know they haven't spent any money to update the displays in
  about 90 years!).
Received on Mon 27 Jun 2005 08:34:44 PM PDT

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