[meteorite-list] OT (Nakhla Dog Gallery)

From: MexicoDoug_at_aol.com <MexicoDoug_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jun 10 14:08:46 2005
Message-ID: <f6.525c2d2c.2fdb3124_at_aol.com>

Rob W. wrote:

>A cat..Snagglepuss is
>Added to the archive..the other dogs will be
Hola Rob, As keeper of the official meteorite dog hall of fame webpage,
that is great to hear. Big error on my part...luckily you and the crystal-ball
magic of the internet set me straight. A cat Snagglepuss is, yes...I was
confusing Muttley, Dick Dastardly's sidekick in the diabolical duo, and
admirers of an 60's Penelope Pitstop in the Wacky Races - the dog
_http://www.diogenite.com/muttley.jpg_ (http://www.diogenite.com/muttley.jpg) with the
unforgetable villainous snicker: http://_www.diogenite.com/snicker.wav_
(http://www.diogenite.com/snicker.wav) Can you remember the episode named "Why Oh Why
Wyoming?". You can see how they were tied to a cactus and crossed the finish
line with it on their back....in last place. The whole series' DVD
Available at Amazon.com for $28 ppd in US. "hhheh heh hehhhh". Since Muttley has all
but been turned to ash in a moment by his H-B creators, I wonder if he got
lost in one of those desert races and is slurping margaritas with the the
Nakhla dog? Muttley is the dog that actually fell into a crater in North
Carolina...in another episode...and the guy who did Scooby-Doo did his voice, too:
"Rasam brasam msblsssslll Rrick Rrastardly"..."hhhheh heh hehhhh"...and liked
to get medals later as a copilot, and was frequently saved BY his butt - by
turning his tail into a helicopter rotor...
Saludos, Doug
(pardon the OT)
Received on Fri 10 Jun 2005 02:08:36 PM PDT

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