[meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - June 4, 2005

From: Gerald Flaherty <grf2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jun 4 17:52:57 2005
Message-ID: <00ac01c5694f$bc507710$2f01a8c0_at_Dell>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry A. Wallace" <jwal2000_at_swbell.net>
To: "MeteoriteCentral" <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Rocks From Space Picture of the Day - June 4,

> Hi Dave,
> You were absolutely right about there being little joy in the lives
> of most folks in the "old days". Times were hard, living was tough.
> Most found their rare joys in the simple things that were free yet
> priceless.
> However, I don't think that's what's causing the sour expressions
> on the faces of Harvey and Addie in the photo of June 4th.
> Exposure to that many tektites clustered in one place can cause
> catastrophic sadness, illness, and dismay to a human. Although
> 'New Age' advocates claim miraculous healing and curative powers
> to be associated with these strange glass objects, actually the exact
> opposite is true.
> A friend of mine who is a teacher of geology at one of our local
> colleges gave me a very nice Chinese tektite several years ago.
> In that it was my first tektite I was fascinated by it and began studying
> the controversial subject as well as the object itself. I left it placed
> in
> front of my monitor when not actually handling it. Within a couple of
> hours of doing this I began thinking that my monitor was going bad
> because the images and text it displayed began appearing blurry.
> But then I noticed that other things that I looked at were also a bit
> blurry and distorted when I sat at my computer desk. Time for new
> glasses, I thought.
> My friendly, overpriced optometrist assured me that my current
> eyeglass prescription should work fine and that perhaps my vision
> problem might be caused by something else and maybe I should give
> it a little time to see if would clear up on its own. If my vision didn't
> improve in a week or two I should go to an opthamologist he could
> recommend for further tests. "Thank you and that'll be $75.00," said he.
> About the same thing as an MD saying, "Take two aspirin and call me
> in the morning. We'll send a bill."
> A couple of days after that, I decided to put the tektite in a labeled
> collection box and move it to a back room where I store most of my
> meteorite collection. Within hours of doing that my eyesight began
> improving when reading my monitor or books and papers. Whatever
> the problem had been it now appeared to have passed. I was thankful.
> There was no recurrence of the problem so I put it out of my mind.
> A couple of months later there was to be a rare meeting of several of
> the local meteorite enthusiasts at a coffee shop. On perusing my
> collection
> for the show-and-tell I decided to take a couple of my latest Texas
> acquisitions and, almost as an afterthought, I slipped the beautiful
> tektite
> specimen that my friend had given me into my pocket, the four and one-half
> inch tubular Wangdong. At the gathering, while having my second cup of
> coffee, I began feeling distinctly nauseous, so much so, in fact, that I
> regretfully
> excused myself and drove immediately home.
> Once home, I only wanted to lie down for awhile until I felt better. After
> about
> thirty minutes of misery, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I
> noticed
> several things had fallen: my arches, some of my hair, and it seemed that
> some
> of my teeth were about to fall out as well. While leaning over the sink
> counter
> to get a closer look in the mirror at my considerably bloodshot eyes, I
> felt the
> Wangdong tektite in my pocket that I had forgotten to remove. Not wanting
> any harm to befall it, I took it and the Texas specimens and replaced them
> in
> their boxes in the back room. On the way back I felt the need to lie down
> again.
> After an hour or so of some (finally) restful sleep, I awakened feeling
> considerably
> better. I went back to the bathroom to again check my eyes. They looked
> much
> better though still having some streaked veins. The nausea had mostly
> passed and
> my color had returned pretty much to normal from the hideous shade of
> green that
> I had been colored earlier.
> I sat in my darkened, cool living room reflecting on the disastrous
> evening. I thought
> back to the meeting at the coffee house and regretted not being able to
> show the
> other collectors my new Texas specimens and especially my outstanding
> Wangdong
> tektite. Tektite. TEKTITE! Wait a minute. I suddenly made the association
> between
> my ill feelings and that TEKTITE. Every time I had been in close proximity
> with that
> tektite for any real length of time that's when I was having my problems.
> Could that
> truly be the answer? To be honest I'm not certain. But I haven't yet
> worked up the
> necessary bravery to test the theory. I will, at some point, but not soon.
> To be on the safe side, I built a cedar box and lined it with quarter inch
> lead
> sheathing and, using a long handled set of kitchen tongs, I carefully
> placed the tektite
> into it and sealed it well. I put the box in a storage shed way at the
> rear of my property.
> That was over two and one-half years ago and except for a minor cold last
> winter,
> I've felt great ever since.
> To be honest, I have given some thought of late to pulling a Steve stunt
> and offering
> to give it away- and then keeping tabs on the health of the recipient. But
> I can't
> bring myself to do that. After all, it was a gift from a friend (a
> friendship I've been
> keeping a wary eye on for awhile.)
> And so it is, Dave, that my considered opinion of the sorry state of
> Harvey and Addie
> in the old photograph is caused by that pile of malevolent tektites lying
> there radiating
> their evil rays causing emotional and digestive stress and disorders, sour
> disposition,
> distorted eyesight, bad breath, baldness, and who knows what else.
> The Truth Is Out There,
> Jerry
> Dave Freeman mjwy wrote:
>> There were times back in the old days when people had no joy in their
>> lives.
>> Reading my "Find A Falling Star", there were a few days that Mr. and Mrs.
>> Ninninger had days of uncertainty and doubt.
>> Possibly this was one of those days.
>> Thanks for the picture!
>> Dave F.
>> SPACEROCKSINC_at_aol.com wrote:
>>> http://www.spacerocksinc.com/June4.html
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Received on Sat 04 Jun 2005 05:52:42 PM PDT

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