[meteorite-list] stop harrasing me about posts
From: DNAndrews <DNA1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jun 4 00:09:37 2005 Message-ID: <42A12981.3050006_at_cableone.net> Blah, blah, blah....blah, blah....blah, blah, blah! Same old, same old. Nothing new, nothing changed. Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote: >Hello list.It is time to blow off some steam tonight toward some list >members.People are betting with each other when I blow my promises about >psoting with another means.Now I think that is down right moronic.People >still bug me about my givaways.Why I just do not know.It really pains me >to have to block email address because all some list members want to do is >harras me for posting to much.Now when I post this, there will probably be >50 more emails condemning me for this.Well you can see where the >immaturaty lies.In 2 days I will be going to mexico for a nice 10 >days.Away from computers,cell phones, tv everything that is electronic.It >will be a nicely deserverd vacation.I also know some of you will be >estatic.Well despite the indifferences that some list members have with >me,I will not be detered from speaking my mind.As far as I am concerned I >have done nothing wrong,and I still have never done anything to anyone to >warrant continue harrasment from certain list members.People call me DUMB >F***,A**HOLE,DUMBA**,MENTAL MIDGET,STUPID MORON,etc.This is coming from >people with whom I have met and talked and drank meteorites.I just do not >know where the attitude has come from in just a short time towards me.It >is amazing!Well I also know that I have my fan base out there.I really >want to thank them for thier support.I know if the posting becomes a small >roar, and not a huge roar, I might win back some of those people whom >continue to boycott me.Well I have enjoyed doing the givaways,I have >enjoyed selling on ebay,and I have enjoyed selling to people as well.Also >I just want to put to rest one thing.I have NEVER,NEVER cut or broken any >of my meteorites, to givaway as freebies.These pieces were either >broken,or I just gave away the whole piece.NO CUT OR BROKEN PIECES.I >treasure these other worldly pieces from space just as much as the next >collecter.I have nothing to apoligize for to anyone,unless I have done >something wrong.Well that is my steam vent venting and it has cooled >down.I hope everyone has a great weekend and week ahead,and I look forward >to posting again when I get back.I will also have pictures to post on my >website of my vacation.Also while I am down there,I will do some meteorite >hunting.Good night all form chicago at 8:32pm. > > > steve arnold, chicago,usa!! > >Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 > > >Illinois Meteorites,Ltd! > > >website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >__________________________________ >Discover Yahoo! >Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news and more. Check it out! >http://discover.yahoo.com/mobile.html >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > Received on Sat 04 Jun 2005 12:09:37 AM PDT |
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