[meteorite-list] stop harrasing me about posts
From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jun 3 21:33:29 2005 Message-ID: <20050604013327.52410.qmail_at_web31801.mail.mud.yahoo.com> Hello list.It is time to blow off some steam tonight toward some list members.People are betting with each other when I blow my promises about psoting with another means.Now I think that is down right moronic.People still bug me about my givaways.Why I just do not know.It really pains me to have to block email address because all some list members want to do is harras me for posting to much.Now when I post this, there will probably be 50 more emails condemning me for this.Well you can see where the immaturaty lies.In 2 days I will be going to mexico for a nice 10 days.Away from computers,cell phones, tv everything that is electronic.It will be a nicely deserverd vacation.I also know some of you will be estatic.Well despite the indifferences that some list members have with me,I will not be detered from speaking my mind.As far as I am concerned I have done nothing wrong,and I still have never done anything to anyone to warrant continue harrasment from certain list members.People call me DUMB F***,A**HOLE,DUMBA**,MENTAL MIDGET,STUPID MORON,etc.This is coming from people with whom I have met and talked and drank meteorites.I just do not know where the attitude has come from in just a short time towards me.It is amazing!Well I also know that I have my fan base out there.I really want to thank them for thier support.I know if the posting becomes a small roar, and not a huge roar, I might win back some of those people whom continue to boycott me.Well I have enjoyed doing the givaways,I have enjoyed selling on ebay,and I have enjoyed selling to people as well.Also I just want to put to rest one thing.I have NEVER,NEVER cut or broken any of my meteorites, to givaway as freebies.These pieces were either broken,or I just gave away the whole piece.NO CUT OR BROKEN PIECES.I treasure these other worldly pieces from space just as much as the next collecter.I have nothing to apoligize for to anyone,unless I have done something wrong.Well that is my steam vent venting and it has cooled down.I hope everyone has a great weekend and week ahead,and I look forward to posting again when I get back.I will also have pictures to post on my website of my vacation.Also while I am down there,I will do some meteorite hunting.Good night all form chicago at 8:32pm. steve arnold, chicago,usa!! Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 Illinois Meteorites,Ltd! website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com __________________________________ Discover Yahoo! Get on-the-go sports scores, stock quotes, news and more. Check it out! http://discover.yahoo.com/mobile.html Received on Fri 03 Jun 2005 09:33:27 PM PDT |
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