[meteorite-list] Help, your opinion needed

From: jwb7772_at_netzero.net <jwb7772_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jul 9 13:58:25 2005
Message-ID: <20050709.105651.27124.21824_at_webmail17.lax.untd.com>

Hi all and thanks for all the help I will send each one who offered to help a few pictures.
     Yes you are right! Ten out of ten times a fire ball looks close when it is miles away! That is because of the size or the brightness. If it dims it looks further away. If it brightens it looks closer. I had a night vision course in the army were we were trained in night optical elusions.
     But in my case I saw the colored teardrops fall off just behind the mass and fall into the yard next door about 35 feet away. I could see the red, yellow, green, white, blue orange, silver and gold drops fall in front of the garage! So I know exactly where the fireball was. I had a good fix on it. I was surprised though when it did not land where I thought it would. It verred up slightly and went further then I wanted it to.
     It was a pitch black night. The fireball was total-y silent. There was a story about it in the newspaper the next day. I have it in one of my packed away older meteorite books. I will try to find it and post it.
Received on Sat 09 Jul 2005 01:56:13 PM PDT

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