[meteorite-list] New lunar meteorite

From: stan . <laser_maniac_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jul 5 23:55:38 2005
Message-ID: <BAY101-F21AA271CE2B051970D8EB8F0D90_at_phx.gbl>

FWIW there is suposed to be some new lunar material floating around that is
related but not paired to 773 and 1400 - ie a 'norite' - that aparently has
been looked at by labs, although not had a formal classification completed
yet as i understand it. not saying that this material is the same stuff -
just that it is out there.

>From: Dave Freeman mjwy <dfreeman_at_fascination.com>
>To: "Meteoryt.net" <marcin_at_meteoryt.net>
>CC: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] New lunar meteorite
>Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 21:43:03 -0600
>Dear Fabien;
>I have some "newbieite" that I suspect is lunar breccia! Newbieite is the
>newest Lunar classification from the Intergalactic University of
>Dahwannabe. I hope to sell my find soon too so it will be interesting to
>see how yours sells without a classification from a bonified scientifically
>respected lab.
>I can get you in touch with Dhawannabe U. if you like. Norite must be
>very close to Nothingite but not quite a Newbieite from what I have heard.
>Dave F.
>Meteorite prospector of the cosmos
>Meteoryt.net wrote:
>>>my name is Fabien Kuntz (some of you know who I am), just this e-mail for
>>>present here a specimen of my fisrt lunar meteorite, a Norite......
>>hmm, Im not specialist in this matter but auctions of this kind of rare
>>hard to recognize material set up with in fact NO any official
>>its just nothing.
>>How you know its lunar ? No classification, no publishing, no number, just
>>Maybe its eucrite ? Cant be ? Sorry, for me it looks like it a little.
>>This colorfull stone will be meteorite when will be classified in known
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Received on Tue 05 Jul 2005 11:55:35 PM PDT

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