[meteorite-list] Mike Farmer's Oman Team ,2005
From: Walter Branch <branchw_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jan 30 17:07:20 2005 Message-ID: <00b301c50717$68125000$6101a8c0_at_launchmodem.com> Hi Robert, Thank for sharing your story. I love meteorite stories! 2000 meteorites. Man, that is great! More later would be fine with me. I hope all your hunters are taking notes on your trips. I for one will be first in line when the book(s) is published. -Walter Branch --------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Woolard" <meteoritefinder_at_yahoo.com> To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2005 4:02 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] Mike Farmer's Oman Team ,2005 > Hello List, > > I know I enjoy reading about other people's > trips/finds/adventures/etc., so I hope you guys might > like to hear a little about our trip to Oman. Please > forgive me in my still-rampant-excitement, but I > really wanted to share at least this bit with you all. > (Perhaps more later on ?????--- if I don't get too may > raspberries over this??? ) > > I, along with my best friend Jerry, had the great > pleasure of being the other team members of Mike > Farmer's meteorite hunting expedition to Oman a couple > of weeks ago. Man what a trip! > > What I'm about to write is NOT meant to sound like > I'm bragging. I hasten to say right off the bat that I > feel like I've been truly blessed, and I've been > lucky. But I will say that I've spent the great > majority of my life, rather successfully I think I can > add, "hunting for things" and had developed at least a > modest degree of skill in doing that. Let me explain. > > When I was only 7 years old, I began hunting for > turtle nests on the Mississippi River levees in > Northeast Arkansas with my Mom and Dad. We literally > found thousands of eggs that we would rebury at home > to wait for the turtles to hatch. Then we would > uncover them and sell the turtles. This extra income > helped a lot, as my Dad worked as a garage mechanic in > a small town for $37.50 a week for most of my early > childhood. > > When I was 14, I started hunting the plowed fields > around home where I worked chopping cotton, for > arrowheads. Together with my parents, we found over > 8,000. Then years ago, on the very first meteorite > hunting trip I ever went on, Jerry and I found almost > 700 specimens. Over the course of 4 more trips, we > increased that number to over 2,000. > > (The reason I'm saying all the above is to make the > point that I can truthfully say I've had a lot of > experience in looking for things on the ground, and > hopefully developed a good eye for that.) > > But don't forget luck. I'll never forget the day I > found out about the PV fall. My wife LITERALLY urged > me to go to Portales saying : "Go! Definitely go! IF > anyone can find one, it will be you!" Two hours after > arriving, I walked upon the 34Kg main mass of PV. > > Finding the PV was a turning point in my life. I > can't even begin to list all the wonderful doors that > opened. One of the very best consequences was the > opportunity to meet a lot of you guys, either in > person, or thru the list. > > Mike was one of the people that I met because of > the PV. Through that first meeting and a few other > wild coincidences that life had in store for us (one > being that one of Mike's best friends and old army > buddy, Gary Loyd, only lives about 25 miles from me > and on top of that MAY actually be related to me on my > mother's side of the family) I eventually found myself > being invited by him to go on this latest expedition. > > Now, with my previous experience (and luck) > mentioned above, I felt like I would have a pretty > doggone good chance of showing that young pup Mike > what this old timer could do! And sure enough, the > first 3 meteorites we found were found by yours truly! > Hah! Just as I knew it would be! I'm pretty sure even > Mike thought he was about to get a whipping. > > W R O N G !!! He struck back with a vengeance, > finding about the next 8 or so in a row. And he never > let up. He kept finding the most every day, day in and > day out. Mind you, he did this while using one hand to > drive, another to hold his GPS and his walkie-talkie > and his map, while all I had to do was just drive and > search while keeping him in sight off to my right or > left. And he not only found the most number of > meteorites, but as I'm sure all of you have read on > the list, he hopefully will be proven to have found > the very BEST by far! Heck, he even found one in the > dark while driving thru the desert at probably 25mph > just by the headlights on his truck!! I'll have to say > the "young pup" showed me a thing or two! > > The whole trip was a fantastic experience, NO matter > what the final results of any lab tests are. All I can > say is--- once again---- I was lucky. Lucky to be able > to share in another meteorite hunting adventure along > with two great guys. > > OK, so for better or worse, there you have at least > a little bit of the tale. I hope this is "read in the > light" that I meant for it to be, and doesn't end up > sounding "dorky" or self-congratulating. I hope you > all will understand my excitement in wanting to share > these feelings, or will forgive me if you don't. And I > also wanted to thank Mike and Jerry for helping to > make the trip possible. I couldn't hardly think of two > better hunting partners! > > Sincerely, > Robert Woolard > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses. > http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail > ______________________________________________ > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Sun 30 Jan 2005 05:02:35 PM PST |
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