[meteorite-list] Auction Update (AD)

From: DNAndrews <DNA1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jan 28 03:11:51 2005
Message-ID: <41F9F3CE.7050904_at_cableone.net>

>) I am surprised I don't have a good many more.
> I will be leaving Monday, so, absentee bids will be accepted up to
>midnight Sunday, Jan. 30th.
I'll be there and will have more money than I usually have to indulge
in. What I notice this year, is there is nothing BIG. No big stones,
no big irons, just little piddly "rare stuff"...eucrites, howardites,
achondrites, luanites,....etc. I am looking for a BIG
meteorite....unclassified....classified....I don't care. Like the one I
scarfed last year...very nice. I want something I can display to
non-meteorite folk and have them go "WOW!" So, if there are some late
seller with some decent sized stones or irons...let them in please!
Maybe that HB oriented piece looks good to me, but I'm sure I'll get
outbid on that one.

Sorry to bitch,
Received on Fri 28 Jan 2005 03:11:58 AM PST

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