[meteorite-list] Mongolian Meteorite Association :-)

From: tracy latimer <daistiho_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Jan 25 13:24:21 2005
Message-ID: <BAY102-F22C197553D55D744D750E0CA860_at_phx.gbl>

I had always understood that, although there might be some good collecting
in the Gobi, it was very difficult. Anything found there was subject to
being confiscated by the Chinese government at their discretion, no matter
what papers and permits might have been filed. If these folks have worked
out an agreement to allow searching in the Gobi without having a govenment
official come along and say "Oh, you've found some very nice meteorites
there, thank you, I'll just take those", it might be worthwhile to

Tracy Latimer

>This is one of the most strange letters I received.
>Mr Gonzorig Shagdarsuren send me statement of newly found M.M.A
>This is propably some kind of invitation for visiting Gobi Desert and
>cooperation between collectors.
Received on Tue 25 Jan 2005 01:03:32 PM PST

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