[meteorite-list] Meteorites, Diamonds and Minerals

From: Martin Horejsi <martinh_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Feb 24 11:19:52 2005
Message-ID: <7f0331ef3781b1f9cd1fa4862b396aa3_at_isu.edu>

Hi Dirk and All,

Thanks for the diamond info. However I was unable to find the answer to
a question I have been wondering about for a while. Do the diamonds in
ureilites melt as the meteorite passes through the earth's atmosphere?

I have read that the melting point of diamond at 1 atmosphere is about
4000 degrees K. Does atmospheric melting on the meteorite's surface
ever come close to that? What is the vaporization temperature of
olivine? Might that yield a clue?


Martin H

On Feb 24, 2005, at 7:34 AM, drtanuki wrote:

>> Dear List,
>> Here is a link to everything you wanted to know
>> about diamonds and minerals in meteorites. I hope
>> you
>> find the site interesting.
>> Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
>> http://brysonburke.com/aboutdiamonds.html
Received on Thu 24 Feb 2005 11:19:36 AM PST

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