[meteorite-list] meteoriteblog.com anyone game?

From: drtanuki <drtanuki_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Feb 21 13:42:39 2005
Message-ID: <20050221184236.93390.qmail_at_web53204.mail.yahoo.com>

  Thanks for your questions. Blogs are a new form of
media on the internet....such as a tabloid or new form
of newspaper (some are biased, some factual, some
lies, some urban ledgends). I do not know where the
term "blog" came from. Blogs cover news that is not
covered in the mainstream media....some covering
topics that are government sensitive, FCC sensitive,
slanderous or libelous, politically incorrect, etc.
An example of a Blog topic in meteorites....meteorite
dealers arrested in stealing meteorites from other
countries....MOST INFAMOUS...Ron Farrell, etc.
Another possible one, who is making up names for
meteorites that are transported or relocated.
Scumbags in the business, would be another possible
topic. Deadbeat customers.
Blogs are from annomyous sources and the person who is
posting remains unknown.
  About postage to Japan; there has NEVER been a
$25USD fee for registered mail to Japan...someone has
told you incorrectly in the past at the USPO. Most
samples that I receive cost from $1.80-$2.60 for First
Class and $8.00-11.00 Global Priority and 12-15$ for
  I hope that this provides information to you and
others that may have similar questions.

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