[meteorite-list] Ad - Please Ignore!!!! Way off topic!!!! Statingthe OBVIOUS!??
From: Martin Altmann <Altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Feb 19 09:03:34 2005 Message-ID: <005301c5168c$66a8d3e0$7e489a54_at_9y6y40j> Yep, but Dirk, the use of the letters is not so important, if da cube is used only for size comparig purpose, as the directions in the strewnfield at home are of minor importance. It might be a nice exercise for a geometrician, given the proper orientation of the cube and the season, to estimate from the length of the shadows, at which hour of the day the picture was made, but I confess, that whenever I put my specimens onto the sill to take pictures, I never used a compass. Let's check my actual auctions...well, at the Sao Juliao the S points not to South, it's more SSE. Kunya-Urgench: W must be turned clockwise for about 60?. Moon - wow, seems to be quite correct +/- 10?. > Therefore by stating the dimensions in the text would Everybody is giving the information of the specimen's dimensions additionally in the text. (and some allude the cube being 1cm x 1cm x 1cm). > "uneducated" ebay buyer the cube has no meaning. One never should underestimate peoples intellectual skills.... >lens cap, pen, pocket knife, objects, which strongly vary in size. (My tomcat was twice as large as my cat). Note another point: All this cubes with letters were made by Scherff, hence cognizable and standardized. Imagine, Mr.Buckleboo with his devilish mind, would craft a cube with a length of the edges of only 7mm, to gave a wrong impression of the true size of the meteorite... "planetary" - words have meanings, sometimes the meaning is shortened or transformed by the use of that word. That's the reason, why we often have to laugh so much, if we hear a politician, a manager or a lawyer speakin' or if we're reading a computer manual or a writ from the authorities. "planetary" is a sloppy word for stony meteorites from differentiated (thus probably larger mother (?) bodies). Of course it's not concise, as f.e. all the irons are also a product of differentiaton and we don't have to start the somewhat academic discussion from when on a celestial body which revolves around the sun should be called a planet, planetoid, asteroid, kuiperbeltobject ect. And of course you could take your stand, that "Nonplanetary hits planetary" correctly describes the fall of the Park Forest Curb Smasher, as Park Forest is an ordinary chondrite, thus not planetary, but the curb is made from terrestial rock and our Earth is a planet. Da point is: It's important, that most people do understand, what "planetary" if attributed to a meteorite means. My 2 buckleboos. Martin ----- Original Message ----- From: "drtanuki" <drtanuki_at_yahoo.com> To: "Alexander Seidel" <gsac_at_gmx.net>; <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>; "Martin Altmann" <altmann_at_meteorite-martin.de> Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 4:49 AM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ad - Please Ignore!!!! Way off topic!!!! Statingthe OBVIOUS!?? > Dear Alexander, Martin, and List, > I think that the cubes are wonderful IF they are > properly used; but I see many photos with the user not > understanding the orientation for the cube. And for > many viewers outside of the US it is understood that > the dimension is 1cmX1cmX1cm; but for the common > "uneducated" ebay buyer the cube has no meaning. > Therefore by stating the dimensions in the text would > provide more clear information for most viewers. > As for field geology, the cubes would be useful; > but commonly the field geologist is left with using a > coin, lens cap, pen, pocket knife, rock hammer, or > something else that he/she happens to have available. > Now about Planetary material. Science is a dynamic > and hopefully progressive method to explain what is > being studied. Science cannot say with 100% certainty > that this or that meteorite came from this or that > planetary body. We can state the evidence we have > that indicates, with some degree of certainty, that > this or that rock came from where....sometimes. The > types of rocks and environments on most planetary > bodies should be highly variable....look at the > variety of rocks and minerals on the Earth for > example. > Planetary bodies are dynamic, and atmospheric gas and > rock formation processes are variable throughout the > formation and life of the planetary bodies. Impacting > meteorites from another source can "contaminate" the > surface samples that are/have been collected. > Thank you both and list members for this debate. > Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around > http://mail.yahoo.com Received on Sat 19 Feb 2005 09:07:51 AM PST |
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