[meteorite-list] Campo del Cielo recovered weight

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:41:21 2005
Message-ID: <4214BB24.60808_at_fascination.com>

Dear Sara, List, BERND;

In my catalogue, I see no TKW for my favorite Gibeon iron; perchance is
it in the running? Cape York 59 T., Canyon Diablo 30 T. Gibeon...."large
masses, other large masses..."....?

Davy A. Err....Davy F. that is!

Sara Arsenault wrote:

> Dear list,
> I have been reading post on the list for a few months now. This is my
> first intervention, I hope some of you will be able to help out.
> I am working on a virtual exhibition concerning meteorites for the
> Montreal Planetarium, Canada. One of the sections of the site will
> present some famous meteorites including Campo del Cielo. I am trying
> to evaluate the total recovered weight for this meteorite. In Grady's
> catalogue (page 126), the addition of the numerous masses give a total
> of 45 tonnes (approximately). The 37 tonnes that Robert Haag tried to
> buy with no success in 1990 is not cited. Would the real total be 82
> tonnes? If so, Camp del Cielo would be the heaviest iron meteorite
> recovered (in total mass)...
> Thank you for your help and excuse my English, it is a second language.
> Sara Arsenault
> Museologist
> Planetarium de Montreal
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Received on Thu 17 Feb 2005 10:41:24 AM PST

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