[meteorite-list] Campo del Cielo recovered weight

From: Sara Arsenault <arsenaultsara_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Feb 17 10:24:03 2005
Message-ID: <BAY23-F3B16772E36CD4A34AE4F7A96D0_at_phx.gbl>

Dear list,

I have been reading post on the list for a few months now. This is my first
intervention, I hope some of you will be able to help out.

I am working on a virtual exhibition concerning meteorites for the Montreal
Planetarium, Canada. One of the sections of the site will present some
famous meteorites including Campo del Cielo. I am trying to evaluate the
total recovered weight for this meteorite. In Grady?s catalogue (page 126),
the addition of the numerous masses give a total of 45 tonnes
(approximately). The 37 tonnes that Robert Haag tried to buy with no success
in 1990 is not cited. Would the real total be 82 tonnes? If so, Camp del
Cielo would be the heaviest iron meteorite recovered (in total mass)...

Thank you for your help and excuse my English, it is a second language.

Sara Arsenault
Planetarium de Montreal

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