[meteorite-list] Bake Sale Juanchengs AD

From: Martinh <martinh_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Feb 10 11:26:14 2005
Message-ID: <177121c5b90cb5b484877b8eacf70e77_at_isu.edu>

Hello All,

Well, all Jungcheng sets have been sold so sorry if you missed out.

I will be contacting the buyers now so if you put in a request, stay
tuned for more information.

Cheers and thanks!


On Feb 10, 2005, at 7:56 AM, martinh_at_isu.edu wrote:

> Bake sale Juanchengs
> Howdy folks,
> This is an offer for you to get some wonderful small Juancheng
> individuals with a story.
> While at the Tucson show, I stumbled upon a Chinese mineral dealer who
> happened to have a few small Juancheng individuals. Turns out they
> were given to him by a school teacher in China who had his students
> search the strewnfield essentially as a fund-raising project for their
> classroom, similar to a bake sale or car wash.
> The mineral dealer had one little individual sitting on a shelf. I
> happened to notice it and inquire if there were more pieces. The
> dealer, a very nice professional-looking man with weak English skills
> said he had a few more?but where. He searched his room finally
> locating the Juanchengs in small Ziploc bag buried in one of many
> boxes stuffed under a table.
> The mineral dealer said that a friend of his who was a teacher thought
> of the fund-raising meteorite search. In the end, after many hours of
> searching, the students only found a
> few hundred grams, most broken pieces and incomplete individuals.
> Anyway, I wanted to support the students? efforts since I was once a
> classroom science teacher myself, and fund-raising is both important
> and tedious.
> So I picked through the stones and bought a few grams of wonderful
> tiny complete individuals. But then the dealer had no scale with which
> to weigh them. He looked at me sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders
> somewhat unsure what to do. I finally took the set of stones to Blaine
> Reed?s room for weighing.
> So in a nutshell, I bought the stones to help out the students in
> China. But I would now like to pass on some of the stones and the
> story to interested collectors and teachers. I will be keeping a few
> stones for my own teaching needs, but I have assembled five sets of
> three complete individuals each. The combined weight for each set of
> three individuals averages 5.5 grams total. Each set of three stones
> is in a 2x2 inch box with a short version of the story prin
> ted on the back and a copy of story like it appears in this email.
> The price: only $35 per set, shipping included (which is well within
> the normal retail of small individuals of Juancheng!) And these are
> all 99-100 percent crusted individuals with wonderful form.
> Think of it. Everyone has Juancheng, but few have a story. For me,
> what makes collecting fun are the stories, whether those of science,
> the hunt, or human interest.
> So if you are interested, please email me for availability. Remember,
> there are only 5 sets so time is of the essence if you want to add
> Bake Sale Juanchengs to your collection.
> Cheers,
> Martin H
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Received on Thu 10 Feb 2005 11:25:59 AM PST

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