[meteorite-list] Book Deliveries Have Begun

From: ken newton <magellon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Feb 10 00:04:28 2005
Message-ID: <420AEB58.2040005_at_earthlink.net>

Kevin and All,
I was anxiously awaiting Kevin's announcement
about the availability of "The Art of Collecting Meteorites."
This book is going to be a 'must have' for every collector.

Recently a wise man reminded me that many
persons among us are not motivated by profit margin
but by love of celestial rocks. From my limited
knowledge about this book, the hard work Kevin
has put into it, and especially the purchase price, this is
truly Kevin's labor of love for those longing to search
the strewn fields. Thank you Kevin!

As long as I'm acknowledging generous contributions
from the meteorite community, the following also
come to mind: Paul Harris, Jim Tobin, the contributors
to The Meteorite Times, Joel Schiff, the contributors
to METEORITE and Art Jones. We are entertained
and informed by these nice folks as well as many
others (you know who you are :>) Thanks to all
who share so much.

Ken Newton
IMCA #9632

MARSROX_at_aol.com wrote:

>For those who ordered my new book, "The Art of Collecting Meteorites," it
>has arrived via land transport here in SW Florida and I am working day-and-night
> packing and shipping orders.
>The orders are being filled in the sequence they came in. Those who paid via
>Paypal on January 23 and 24 have had their copies mailed. About 90% of those
>ordered on January 25 went out this afternoon.
>I am the working alone on this task, but I expect to have the balance of all
>current orders shipped by Monday night.
>Ken Newton of Lehigh Acres, Florida and an Officer of the IMCO was first in
>line and received the lowest available number.
>I have not yet reached the #500 copy cut-off, so numbered and signed copies
>are still available.
>More information can be found at:
>Again, I am gratified by this response. Thank you.
>Kevin Kichinka
>Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Thu 10 Feb 2005 12:04:24 AM PST

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