[meteorite-list] angrites unlikely to be Mercurian
From: mhutson_at_pdx.edu <mhutson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Dec 23 22:52:12 2005 Message-ID: <1135396325.43acc5e514920_at_webmail.pdx.edu> While I found Tony Irving's abstract ("Unique Angrite NWA 2999: The Case for Samples from Mercury") to be interesting, I find it unlikely that angrites could be samples of Mercury. While it is remotely possible that they are remnants of a crust stripped off 4.5 billion years ago, they would have to have been floating in space for the last 4.5 billion years or so (inconsistent with Cosmic Ray Exposure Data). Any samples derived from the current Mercurian surface should be consistent with the following: crystallization age <4.55 by (possibly much less). Many places on Mercury have crater counts intermediate to the lunar highlands and the lunar maria, so I would suspect the surfaces to be in the 4.3-3.8 by old range. The Mercurian albedo (way it reflects light) is similar to that of the lunar highlands or somewhat brighter, but redder (implying the possibility of a larger amount of glass or agglutinates). One thing that is very clear is that rocks on the surface appear to be iron poor (pyroxenes < 5% FeO), inconsistent with the relatively iron rich olivines and pyroxenes in angrites. There was also a poster/abstract by Ann Sprague and co-workers a couple of years back suggesting that the Mercurian spectrum was consistent with Fe-poor clinopyroxene and an intermediate composition feldspar (aproximately a labradorite containing both Na and Ca), also inconsistent with NWA 2999 where the feldspar is pure anorthite (Ca only). Another paper in JGR by Cooper and coworkers suggested that some areas on Mercury looked mafic, but again with very low Fe contents in minerals. So if not from Mercury, where do angrites come from? Given their old crystallization ages, I'd say probably from a differentiated asteroid. We have plenty of evidence that many asteroids differentiated (look at all the different kinds of irons). If it heated quickly, an asteroid wouldn't have to be that big to differentiate. We could easily have overlooked a small asteroid. Received on Fri 23 Dec 2005 10:52:05 PM PST |
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