[meteorite-list] O K
From: Göran Axelsson <axelsson_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Aug 6 15:18:26 2005 Message-ID: <42F50D8A.2090709_at_acc.umu.se> Steve, Art, members f the list, I have tried to keep quiet in the debate about Chicago Steve but now I have to write something. If you get this then it means that it wasn't enough to write to calm me down. I have written a number of letters but I've never sent them in the end. I've heard a lot of stupid things from Steve but this is the worst thing so far. Steve, you have no right to post on this list. No one but Art has it. It is a privilege to post here and I suggest that you think about that. I'm amazed that Art hasn't taken you off the list. As I have read your postings the last year one thing stands clear, you see the list as a place to abuse with multiple postings, repeted ads and various off topic mails. And what worse, you don't listen to the feedback you get from other list members. As it is now, your posts have made so many members so weary that whenever you post there's a storm of postings to tell you to shut up. Art, you did send out a question about the ads on the list. I have waited for some form of results from that poll but I haven't seen anything. It's your list so please, do something because this fighting is killing the list. If every dealer on this list took as much liberty as Chicago Steve does then it would be swamped by ads, storys about new computers, 800+ birthday wishes a year.... I've seen you take action at least once so I know you could do it. My opinion is that Steve should have been taken off the list a long time ago but if you don't want to do that, give him a warning and put him on probation until... christmas for example. I'm not trying to stop the ads, but clearer rules on what is tolerated or not would not hurt the list. Personally I think a lot of sellers keeps their sales ad to a decent level, once a week or so and often there are an easy link to follow. Neither am I trying to stop the occasional off topic mails as long as it is kept on a decent level. We are only humans and we all know the joy of sharing, especially as many members are close friends outside the internet. Btw, today it seems like it's easier to sell whatever you want if you live in a communist state. I have a friend that was offered a mobile nuclear reactor from some russians a couple of years ago. :-) Regards, G?ran Steve Arnold, Chicago!! wrote: >Ok what all of want to see is meteorite related only things on your >screen.NO AD'S! NO SALES!NO FREE GIVAWAYS!NOTHING!But meteorite related >items.So what now I live in a communist country and I cannot sell what I >want?I have to have the permission of the meteorite police to sell >meteorites?So be it.I do not know why you all have to harras me and say >racist things to me in private.I have done nothing wrong to any of >you.This has to end now.Please stop harrasing me.My god I never knew >people where so dam sensitive.Yeah I admit I post 1 thing to many >times,but some people tend to forget,so I repost to remind them.That is >it.It is not done to PISS anyone off.I really look forward to meeting you >in tucson next year if you chose to come.I will be there.And if you have >problem we can work it than,till please stop harrasing me about these dumb >posts and just delete them or block me like everyone else has. > > steve > >Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 > > >Illinois Meteorites,Ltd! > > >website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >____________________________________________________ >Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page >http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > Received on Sat 06 Aug 2005 03:20:42 PM PDT |
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